Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Promote Business Products using DRPU Bulk SMS Sender Software

Click here to download Bulk SMS Sender Application

As you know that nowadays promotion is very effective way to broadcast your business. Bulk Messaging is a best technique to promote your business worldwide. DRPU presents Bulk SMS Sender Software that facilitates advanced feature to send multiple numbers of multilingual SMS just in single click of mouse. Using this software you can easily communicate with not only employees, clients but also, relatives, friends, family members etc. Application supports Unicode language, so you can broadcast messages to your customer in any kinds of language according to your requirement. SMS Application supports all kinds of android technology based mobile phones for sending group messages.
bulk sms sender software

Here we are going to learn that how to broadcast multiple number SMS using DRPU Software via Idea Net Setter:

Watch this Video:

Step 1:
Firstly connect Idea Net Setter in your laptop or desk top and install device driver on your PC, after follow some easy steps you can see divers are successfully installed.

Step 2: 
Now run DRPU Bulk SMS Software and click on GSM Technology Based Mobile Phone and go to next.

Step 3: 
Now select comport and click on Use Selected Device to Send SMS.

Step 4: 
After that enter recipient number (you can copy or past multiple numbers of contact numbers), type message that what you want to send your customer or friends and click on Apply This Message to List Item, After clicking you will see three options for sending SMS, choose one from them here we are selecting first option. Now click on Send button.

Step 5: 
After sending message you can see your delivered message in recipient message box.

Click here to free download SMS Sender Software

For More Details your can contact us:
DRPU Software Team

Monday, 16 February 2015

Business Product Promotion using DRPU Bulk SMS Software

Promote your Business Product

Install DRPU Bulk SMS Software

In this competitive World, huge numbers of products and services gets launched for one or the other reasons and gets disappear due to no or rather inappropriate exposure and promotion. Thus, each and every business organization use to run a Product promotional campaign to capture more and more market as per product demand and to increase their Customers line up. Proper and targeted Business product marketing can boost up your sales to increase your business revenue and product sales.
Business Product Promotion using SMS

DRPU Bulk SMS Software for Product Promotion is capable of sending bulk text messages to your Business clients and customers using your Mobile phone connected with your Computer. DRPU Group Messaging Software is capable of composing and broadcasting unlimited text messages in Unicode Language. DRPU Bulk Messaging Software ensures reliable messaging software by tackling Network Congestion using Delay Delivery options. DRPU Messaging Application easily imports your contact details directly from your Mobile phone for sending SMS to all of them in a single click.
DRPU Bulk SMS Software

Business Product Promotion from Samsung Mobile using DRPU Bulk SMS Software:-

DRPU Bulk SMS Software is compatible with all USB supported GSM, Android and Windows Mobile devices to send Bulk messages. We are using Samsung Galaxy 5 Android Smartphone for demonstration purposes:-
  • Install DRPU Bulk SMS Software to your Computer and laptop for sending send Bulk messages from your Android Smartphone.

  • Now Install Samsung KIES Software to your Computer and laptop from Company official website for connecting your Computer with your Mobile device.
Install Samsung KIES

  • Now connect your Mobile device with your Computer using USB Data cable and Install device drivers to your Computer.

  • Now Install DRPU Bulk SMS Software that offers 3 Modes of Working – GSM Technology based, Android Technology based and Windows Technology based Mobile phone.
  • Click on Android technology based mobile phone based option for establishing a connection between your Android Mobile Phone and Computer.

Select Andriod Technology Based Mode
  • Now Authorize DRPU Bulk SMS Software for broadcasting unlimited text messages from your Mobile device connected with Mobile device by selecting Use Selected Devices to Send SMS option.

Authorize your Mobile device
  • Compose your text messages for sending bulk messages from your Android Device. Add Recipient Mobile number to send text messages to them in a single click.
Compose your Message

  • Your Sent Messages has been received successfully.
Received Message

Business Product Promotion from Samsung Galaxy 5 using DRPU Bulk SMS Software

For More details, Contact US: